Shfl Update, 3/2
Phil Freeman on the Bakersfield sound, plus new reviews from Jon Dale, Megan Iacobini de Fazio, Chris Catchpole, Harold Heath, Zev Kane, and Nate Patrin
Phil Freeman on the Bakersfield sound, my favorite flavor of country music
Jon Dale on Vikki Jackman, Jean Noël Rebilly & Andrew Chalk, Efzeg, Mark Hollis, His Name Is Alive, The Dead C, Rafael Toral, Robert Wyatt, Alastair Galbraith, Fennesz
Megan Iacobini de Fazio on Nass El Ghiwane, Alhousseini Mohammed Anivolla & Girum Mezmur, 3Phaz, The Lijadu Sisters, Zonke Family, Slim Ali & the Hodi Boys
Chris Catchpole on Alfie and Murray Head
Harold Heath with a solid Moodymann overview
Zev Kane on a really fantastic intro to the piano works of Déodat de Séverac
Nate Patrin on Giorgio Moroder, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Television, Thin Lizzy and Radio Birdman
Now that 2023’s begun in earnest, which for me is when I finally stop writing 2022 on forms that require a date, I added a 2023 button to the “Recent” section in filters, if you want to check out what’s been recommended so far this year here’s the full list.