Shfl Update, 1/17
Starter lists for Ambient and Plainchant from Rick Anderson, plus new reviews from Jon Dale, Megan Iacobini de Fazio, Nate Patrin, Rick Anderson, Chris Catchpole, Ned Raggett and Jeff Treppel
Jon Dale on Sand and Al Green
Megan Iacobini de Fazio on Hassan Abou Alam and Hanan Awwad, Riad Awwad and Mahmoud Darwish
Nate Patrin on Eddie Henderson, 801, Bryan Ferry and David Bowie
Rick Anderson on The Heptones, Ann Mayo Muir, Anne Hills, Michaela Rowan, Mouth Music, Jackie Joyce, Mad Professor, Ed Trickett, Gordon Bok, Cindy Mangsen, Prince Far I, The Robotiks and Massilia Sound System
Chris Catchpole on Iceage and New Order
Ned Raggett on YMO
Jeff Treppel on Anvil and Pentagram
Ambient: Foundational Recordings and Plainchant from Rick Anderson